📊Extract MEDDIC

Use the Extract MEDDIC feature to analyze your discovery and demo calls and automatically extract the key MEDDIC criteria.


The Extract MEDDIC feature helps salespeople qualify their deals by analyzing call transcripts or recordings and extracting key MEDDIC criteria. By providing a discovery or demo call, users receive a detailed MEDDIC analysis, allowing them to assess whether the call covered all the important aspects of deal qualification.

Use Cases

After a discovery call with a new prospect, you want to ensure that you’ve identified all critical MEDDIC criteria, such as the decision-making process and key stakeholders. Extract MEDDIC provides a detailed breakdown of the call, highlighting what was covered and what’s missing.

You’ve completed a demo call, but you’re unsure if the economic impact and metrics were discussed in enough detail. Extract MEDDIC helps you assess the effectiveness of your conversation by automatically extracting the metrics and criteria.

You’re managing a sales team and want to ensure that every demo or discovery call captures the necessary MEDDIC elements. By using Extract MEDDIC, you can easily review their calls and provide targeted coaching where needed.

Getting Started

  1. Access Extract MEDDIC: Log in to your GTM.bot dashboard and select Extract MEDDIC from the feature list.

  2. Prepare Information: Have the call transcript (raw text or attachment) or audio file ready for submission.

Using the Feature

  1. Click on Analyze a Call.

  2. Upload the Transcript or Recording: Provide the call transcript in TXT, RTF, DOC format, or upload an audio file (MP3, WAV).

  3. Submit for Analysis: Once the file is uploaded, click Submit to generate your MEDDIC analysis.

Reviewing Your Results

In less than 60 seconds, you’ll receive a full breakdown of the MEDDIC criteria:

💡 Coaching Tips

  • Focus on Metrics: Ensure that you’ve thoroughly discussed the quantifiable benefits of your solution with the prospect. If metrics are lacking, use the feedback to include more concrete data in future calls.

  • Uncover the Economic Buyer: If the economic buyer wasn’t identified during the call, focus on establishing a relationship with that person in subsequent discussions.

  • Clarify Decision Criteria: Make sure the decision criteria are clear and align with the strengths of your solution. If gaps are identified, follow up with the prospect to gather more details.

  • Strengthen Your Champion: Leverage the feedback to nurture your internal champion, ensuring they are well-prepared to advocate for your solution within the prospect’s organization.


What information do I need to use the Extract MEDDIC feature?

You need to provide a transcript (raw text, TXT, DOC, RTF) or an audio file (MP3, WAV) of the discovery or demo call.

How quickly will I receive the results?

The results are typically available within 60 seconds after submitting the call for analysis.

What type of information will I receive?

You’ll receive a full MEDDIC analysis, including feedback on Metrics, Economic Buyer, Decision Criteria, Decision Process, Identified Pain, and Champion.

Can I analyze multiple calls at once?

Each analysis is performed on one call at a time, but you can submit multiple calls back-to-back for efficiency.

Last updated